sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008

The beast who wished to be a man

There once was a beast who wished for a heart
Who wished for love who wished for joy
Who wished its coldness broken apart

The day came for fate to interfere
Our beast’s wish to come true
But what could grant it, or rather who?

The darkest wizard, know on earth
Had observed our beast from birth
He took the wish and cast a spell
Took the wish right into hell

“your wish will be forever true
so enjoy it now, my dearest child
but this I will now say to you
you wont be happy, for you are wild
to try and fit in the human world
I know you’ll try, even succed
But you will find it rather cold
Filled with sorrow, hate and greed

So careful be with what you desire
For it might burn you as fast as fire”

All this in dreams was the beast told
It woke up thisty, dazed and cold
And when it drank from the clear river
Trough its spine ran the greatest shiver

For it was no more just an “it”
Destined to hunt and sleep and eat
Our dear beast had now become
A true human, flesh and bone

The human wept and laughed for hours
Joy and love he could now feel
‘twas as if from a deep dark dream
the man came from the dream world to a real.

A year has passed and we find Dorman
(for that is how he named himself)
crying softly out to someone
crying softly out to no one

our dear Dorman now regrets
that one wished that became granted
for he knows now and never forgets
what is what he truly wanted

he met a girl and loved her madly
he met a girl, who deemed him ugly
and know, our Dorman, sadly
is wounded deep, is wounded badly

he now wishes his wish undone
he seeks to never have become
that thing that truly feels
the worst death, that never kills

he wishes now he was a beast
he wishes now he could’t feel
to hunt and sleep and drink and kill
is all he wishes, for he now knows
the unending burden that love bestows.

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