jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009

Fu-haw again n.n

Su nombre era Tigre, o al menos así es como mamá lo llamaba, "mi pequeño Tigre" solía decir hace tantos años atras. pero ahora, ahora era diferente, mamá estaba muerta, y el pequeño Tigre estaba solo.

había dos cosas que recordaba por sobre todo lo demás, dos recuerdos que eran para el mas preciados que todo el oro del mundo: los recuerdos de Amor. El primero era de mamá, su amada mamá, queriéndolo, cuidándolo, cazando, peleando, muriendo ante sus propios ojos. En lo que respecta a la segunda memoria... como adoraba este recuerdo, el unico rayo de luz enmedio de su mundo de oscuridad. lo podía ver ahora, en su mente, tan finamente como vería una pelicula antigua, de aquellas que no necesitan palabras para expresar emoción. al principio tan solo podía ver sus ojos, brillando cual luna llena sobre un lago azul, esos bellos ojos mirando, observando con tal fuerza que no podría mas que rendirse ante ellos, después, al sumergirse en los rincones mas profundos de su mente, comenzaba a verla mejor, podía er sus labios, su sonrisa, su imágen entera formandose en sus recuerdos, tan bella como una diosa, y entonces, tan rápido como habia logrado observarla, la imágen desaparecía dejando tan solo una palabra en su lugar: Amor.

El sabía, lo había sabido desde la primera vez que la vió en sus recuerdos. Sabía que, sin importar que, debia encontrarla.


His name was Tiger, well, at least that is how mama used to call him "my little Tiger" she used to say all those years ago. but now, now was different, mama was dead, and Tiger was on his own.

There were two things he remembered of his past, two memories he held more precious than all the gold in the world:the memories of love; The first one was of his mama, his dear mama, nursing him, playing with him, hunting, fighting, dying in front of his very eyes. As for the second memory... how he adored his second memory, that ray of hope among his darkened life. he could see it now, going through his mind like an ancient film, an ancient film that needed no words to express the meaning. at first he could only see those eyes, as bright as the full moon shining upon the calm lake, those beautiful eyes looking with such force he could do nothing but surrender to them, then, as he let himself be submerged into the depths of his own mind, he started to see more of her, he could see her smile, her lips, her whole being coming to him in the image of a goddess, and then, as rapidly as her vision formed in his mid, it vanished from it, leaving only one word behind: love.

He knew. he had known since the first time he saw her in her memories. he knew that, no matter what, he had to find her.

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009